Outpatient procedures

Some procedures can be done in the procedure room at Loftus Specialist clinic.
Colposcopy and biopsy: This is done to evaluate an abnormal cervical screening or symptoms that suggest any disease involving the vagina or cervix. Colposcope is an instrument that has a magnifying camera and helps to see the vagina, vulva and cervix much more clearly. Apart from direct inspection, a fluid may be coated on the tissues which may help to spot the abnormal areas. If there are any suspicious areas, a biopsy can be taken from the abnormal-looking areas. Colposcopy and biopsy usually do not cause any pain, but may cause minor discomfort.
Insertion of hormonal intrauterine devices (Mirena) and its removal is usually done by GPs, but in some cases difficulty is experienced. Such cases can be referred to gynaecologist, where it can be done as an outpatient procedure.